Subject:Utilizing Stylus Studio for automated CSV, DBF and XLS conversion to XML Author:Rock Champ Date:03 Aug 2006 06:01 PM
I am wondering how stylus can help me perform the following action efficiently.
I would like to convert incoming .csv, .dbf and .xls files to XML which would then relate to my existing database by way of an XSLT file as each file that comes in has different named headers and locations of columns. WHen this data is searched it is returned conformed to one standard display.
Any ideas of the most efficient way of doing this is greatly appreciated.
If i am way off please let me know as well :)
Subject:Utilizing Stylus Studio for automated CSV, DBF and XLS conversion to XML Author:Rock Champ Date:16 Aug 2006 12:15 PM
Thanks for your response, i have looked over the video and even read through some of the documentation all to no avail. I can do it manually, but wanted to know what/how to have a process run to automatically convert the .csv/.xls/.dbf file to an xml file.