Subject:buiding your own nodesets Author:Mark Maltby Date:27 Jul 2006 01:59 PM
Is it possible inside xsl to build nodesets up from other nodes using xpath1. I saw there is sequencing in xpath2 but this is no good for me? So for example
Subject:buiding your own nodesets Author:Tony Lavinio Date:27 Jul 2006 02:18 PM
Not with for-each.
You cannot "accumulate" things in XSLT.
What you can do is specify a condition that will return all
of the nodes you care about.
This will return what is called a "result tree fragment" in XSLT 1.
To turn that into a node-set that you can do further processing on,
you will need a processor-specific extension function.
Typically they are called "node-set()" and are specified in the
documentation for the XSLT engine you are using.
If you tell us which one, we might be able to point you to the
relevant document.
Subject:buiding your own nodesets Author:Mark Maltby Date:27 Jul 2006 03:49 PM
Will functions like last(),position() and count() work with nodesets? It is hard to debug as the built in processor doesn't debug when using msxsl:node-set functionality.
Subject:buiding your own nodesets Author:Mark Maltby Date:28 Jul 2006 06:08 AM
I finally figured out what the problem is. Please see my simplified attached style sheet. The problem occurs when the node set has no nodes contained in it and you use the built in processor. This could happen in the stylesheet I am creating.
So my new question is whether you can test for a valid node set.