Subject:berkeley db xml container update from stylus studio problem Author:Darek Dzingielewski Date:05 Jun 2006 05:24 AM
hi, I got
1. Stytus Studio 2006 Enterprise Edition Build 501e
2. Berkeley DB XML 2.2.13
1)I'm trying to update document in container created directly using berkeley db java api in my app or
2)I'm trying to create new document in the same container or
i got message:
com.stylusstudio.sleepycat.dbxml.DBXMLException: Cannot write d:\Study\eclipse\imuba\workplace\database\containers\user.dbxml/test.xml.
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.sleepycat.dbxml.XmlException: Error: Invalid argument, errcode = DATABASE_ERROR
at com.stylusstudio.sleepycat.dbxml.DocWrapper.processThrow(
at com.stylusstudio.sleepycat.dbxml.v2Container.doUpdate(
at com.stylusstudio.sleepycat.dbxml.DBXMLFile$XMLMember.writeData(
at com.stylusstudio.sleepycat.dbxml.DBXMLFile$XMLMember.copyFromFile(
at com.stylusstudio.sleepycat.dbxml.DBXMLFile.copyFromFile(
And in the output window I got message:
"DBcursor->get: the DB_DIRTY_READ, DB_DEGREE_2 and DB_RMW flags require locking"