 Subject: Information about XSLT with MSXML .NET in SS 6 HE Author: Kasimier Buchcik Date: 22 May 2006 12:13 PM
I'm currently using Stylus Studio 6 he, r2, build 287n.
There's a potential bug in the XSLT processor which is executed
if transforming with MSXML .NET available under the
XSLT scenario properties/processor tab.
I've been asked what code is actually run when transforming with
MSXML .NET. I'd be glad to point you to the archived
mailing-list page, but mulberrytech archive doesn show it yet,
so I'll paste the question here:
When you say you were using msxml.net do you mean you were using msxml
in a .net application? Or where you using the .Net implementation of
There is a Microsoft knowledge base on msxml with .net:
"Using MSXML in .NET applications through COM interoperability can
result in unexpected and problems that are difficult to debug.
Microsoft does not recommend or support directly instantiating and
using MSXML objects in .NET code, nor does Microsoft recommend or
support marshalling MSXML interface pointers across the interop
So does SS use the .Net implementation of XSLT or something else?
If .Net, does it use some intermediate layer to do so? Does it
work on the .Net installed on my machine, or does it tweak it
somehow? :-) Excuse me if this sounds silly, but I'm 95% not into
.Net related things, so I don't know what is possible on the side
of SS to do with .Net.