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Lisa ZhouSubject: Generate CSV from an XML file with child tags
Author: Lisa Zhou
Date: 08 May 2006 06:45 PM
Is there anyway that I could use the stylus studio to generate a csv file based on an xml file supplied? the issue we are having is that the original data is in XML format, and we need to convert it to CSV format for importing to the database.


Ivan PedruzziSubject: Generate CSV from an XML file with child tags
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 08 May 2006 07:00 PM
Stylus Studio ships a built-in bi-direction CSV adapater


Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Lisa ZhouSubject: Generate CSV from an XML file with child tags
Author: Lisa Zhou
Date: 08 May 2006 07:14 PM
Thanks for you quick response. I am using the Stylus Studio 2006 Release 2 XML Professional Edition.
Here are two questions.
1. Where can I find the open dialog for choosing the adaptor, I followed the instruction and click on file-> open, I cant see the checkbox for Conver to XML using adaptor anywhere.
2. From reading that page, it seems that the instruction is on how to convert to XML from another file format, how would I got about converting to CSV from an XML file?

Screen Shot of Open Dialog

Minollo I.Subject: Generate CSV from an XML file with child tags
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 08 May 2006 08:27 PM
To access XML adapters, you need Stylus Studio Enterprise Edition; you can download and give it a try from http://www.stylusstudio.com/download

Once you convert the CSV file to XML, take a look at the XML format; you can use the same kind of structure to convert back XML data into CSV.


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