Subject:Web Service Call Author:Rick Cavalla Date:24 Apr 2006 08:02 PM Originally Posted: 24 Apr 2006 04:40 PM
I am using Stylus' Web Service Call feature. However, the recipient of the call cannot parse the resulting XML. They have been using a product called XML Spy to generate the XML for their internal testing. The XML generated from XML Spy is quite a bit different than that generated by Stylus Studio. Can you explain why the same WSDL would generate different web service call XML? Is there an option somewhere that can toggle between different styles of SOAP/XML?<br>
Thank you,<br>
Rick Cavalla<br>
Enable Corporation<br>
Subject:Web Service Call Author:Rick Cavalla Date:24 Apr 2006 08:04 PM Originally Posted: 24 Apr 2006 07:55 PM
I have attached the documents to my original message. I had no expectations about the SOAP Request, per se. I just take Stylus' word for it. :-)<br>
Subject:Web Service Call Author:Rick Cavalla Date:24 Apr 2006 08:07 PM
What is with all the <br>'s when you edit your own message? It turns all the carriage returns into <br> and I cannot find a way to undo it. Sorry about that.
Subject:Web Service Call Author:Rick Cavalla Date:27 Apr 2006 10:18 AM
Any updates on this? If we do not receive feedback soon, our partner wants us to switch to XML Spy. We use OpenEdge and SonicMQ, so we would like to "keep it in the family" and use Stylus Studio. However, our partner is footing the bill for this project, so we are not calling the shots.
Subject:Web Service Call Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:27 Apr 2006 11:37 AM
We discovered a defect when dealing with RPC literal and fixed it.
We are planning to ship a Stylus Studio update in a week or so, as soon as QA passes.
That ":SOAP-ENC" seems to make all the difference. Obviously, though, it is a pain to enter that by hand for every call. I also worry that there may be other errors I am not seeing. Can you look into this?
Subject:Web Service Call Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:19 Jun 2006 01:41 PM
Hi Rick,
The problem you are experiencing is caused by the missing soap-encoding declaration in the WSDL root, a condition that Stylus Studio currently handles improperly.
If you can edit the WSDL (or work with a local copy) please change the root to