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Simone SSubject: Generation of numbers and subnumbers
Author: Simone S
Date: 21 Apr 2006 02:19 AM
This is my XML file
<equation id="E0000023" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000024" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000025" second.level="reset" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000026" second.level="increase" increase.first="0" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000027" second.level="reset" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000028" second.level="increase" increase.first="0" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000029" second.level="increase" increase.first="0" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000030" second.level="reset" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000031" second.level="increase" increase.first="0" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000032" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

<equation id="E0000033" numbered="1">
<bold>L</bold> = <bold>D</bold>&plus;<bold>W</bold></equation>

This is my XSL coding
<xsl:template match="equation">
<a><xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute></a><br/><br/><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td width="900"><xsl:apply-templates/></td><td align="right" width="100"><xsl:variable name="eq" select="substring-after(@id,'E')"/><text>(Eq </text><xsl:value-of select="string($eq*1)"/><text>)</text></td></tr></table><br/>

<xsl:template match="equation[@second.level='reset']">
<a><xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute></a><br/><br/><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td width="900"><xsl:apply-templates/></td><td align="right" width="100"><xsl:variable name="eq" select="substring-after(@id,'E')"/><text>(Eq </text><xsl:value-of select="string($eq*1)"/><text>
<xsl:number count="equation[(@second.level)]" format="a"/>)</text></td></tr></table><br/>

<xsl:template match="equation[@second.level='increase' and @increase.first='0']">
<a><xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute></a><br/><br/><table width="100%" border="0"><tr><td width="900"><xsl:apply-templates/></td><td align="right" width="100"><xsl:variable name="eq" select="substring-after(@id,'E')"/><text>(Eq </text><xsl:value-of select="string($eq*1)"/><text>
<xsl:number count="equation[(@second.level)]" format="a"/>)</text></td></tr></table><br/>

Currently I am getting the following output
L = D + W (23)[for the attribute value E0000023
and so on]
L = D + W (24)
L = D + W (25a)
L = D + W (26b)
L = D + W (27a)
L = D + W (28b)
L = D + W (29a)
L = D + W (30b)
L = D + W (313)
L = D + W (32)
L = D + W (33)

But I need my output as under
L = D + W (18)[for the attribute value E0000023
and so on]
L = D + W (19)
L = D + W (20a)
L = D + W (20b)
L = D + W (21a)
L = D + W (21b)
L = D + W (21c)
L = D + W (22a)
L = D + W (22b)
L = D + W (23)
L = D + W (24)

Minollo I.Subject: Generation of numbers and subnumbers
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 21 Apr 2006 08:55 AM
This is a forum in support to the Stylus Studio product. General XSLT questions are better posted on the xsl-list at mulberrytech.com


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