Subject:Red Check Mark on a few Mapper icons Author:Jammy Pac Date:11 Apr 2006 05:40 PM
I have a few icons with the XSLT Mapper that have red check marks. The source XSD file icon, the target root element icon, and an attribute on nested element.
Does anyone know of a legend for these icons in the documentation?
Or, does anyone know what these red check marks mean?
Subject:Red Check Mark on a few Mapper icons Author:(Deleted User) Date:11 Apr 2006 06:11 PM
Hi, Jammy Pac. For the source document, it means that the source document is associated with default XML document specified in the Source XML URL field in the XSLT scenario.
In the target document pane, the red check identifies required nodes.
The XSLT Mapper legend is discussed in this topic in the online documentation: