Subject:maximum recursion depth exceeded Author:Paul Hermans Date:22 Mar 2006 11:01 AM
Running a stylesheet with the built-in saxon processor, even with maximum recursion depth settings set to the maximum, gives the "error message: maximum recursion depth exceeded".
Running the same stylesheet with Saxon as external processor works fine.
Stylus Studio implements backmapping, so that you can click on the
result and be sent back to the source. Due to an error in the bridge
code between Saxon and Stylus, 'pop' events were not being recorded
unless you were doing profiling.
The workaround is to turn profiling on.
Stylus Studio 2006 release 2 is due next week and corrects this
Note that running inside of Stylus for a transform this large will
mean building all of that backmap data, so be prepared for a longer
run even without profiling.