Subject:Error when using two nested sql/xml selects Author:Paul Hermans Date:16 Mar 2006 02:19 PM
We have an SQL/XML file (attached) for accessing a MS Access database (attached).
We have two nested SELECT statements in this file.
When using only one of those two SELECTS the query works.
If using them together we get a "data type mismatch in criteria" error (attached).
We tested this with different SELECT statements, even with different databases and always getting this error when using more than one nested select.
Subject:Error when using two nested sql/xml selects Author:Paul Hermans Date:16 Mar 2006 03:12 PM
I attach the datamodel.
The test is on integers.
The included code does the same select twice, but we tested this also with other selects related to different tables.
Subject:Error when using two nested sql/xml selects Author:Paul Hermans Date:20 Mar 2006 09:40 AM Originally Posted: 18 Mar 2006 03:57 PM
Tested but getting now:<br>
Error message:<br>
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space; <br>
BUT extending the heap space does work.
Problem solved.