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SSDN AdminSubject: Stylus Studio Software Maintenance Policy
Author: SSDN Admin
Date: 07 Mar 2006 03:09 PM
Software Maintenance Updates:

The Stylus StudioŽ team makes periodic software maintenance updates to Stylus StudioŽ to correct errors, make enhancements, or improve performance. A software maintenance update is defined as a new build for the current version of the product that results in a patch, bug fix, updated documentation, or improved performance.

If you are a registered Stylus StudioŽ user, you are entitled to any software maintenance updates to the release of Stylus StudioŽ you have purchased. For example, if you purchased Stylus StudioŽ 2006 XML Enterprise Edition, Release 1, you will be able to download subsequent software builds for that release (e.g., Stylus StudioŽ 2006 XML Enterprise Edition, Release 1, build 501i, 501j, 501k...) for free. You can easily check on the availability of software maintenance updates to your current release of Stylus StudioŽ by clicking Help > Check for Latest Version on the Stylus StudioŽ menu

Software Upgrades:

A software upgrade is defined as a new release of Stylus StudioŽ that substantially enhances the functionality of the product and/or results in a change to the release number of the product (e.g., Stylus StudioŽ 2006 Release 1 to Stylus StudioŽ 2006 Release 2 or Stylus StudioŽ 2007 Release 1). You are required to purchase an upgrade license in order to upgrade to a newer release of Stylus StudioŽ.

Optional Annual Upgrade Protection (AUP) coverage is offered that allows you to upgrade to any new release of Stylus StudioŽ during the coverage period without paying an additional upgrade license fee.
We offer AUP coverage programs for Stylus StudioŽ XML Enterprise Edition, Stylus StudioŽ XML Professional Edition, and the Stylus StudioŽ XML Deployment Adapters). We do not offer AUP for Stylus StudioŽ XML Home Edition.

AUP coverage is for one year and must be renewed annually in order to stay in effect. Additional years of AUP can be purchased at anytime during the coverage period. Maintaining current AUP coverage is more cost effective than purchasing an upgraded version of a product at full price. It is also a way to accurately budget for software upgrades and treat them as annual business expenses rather than periodic large purchases.

If you are a registered Stylus StudioŽ user with current AUP coverage and would like to upgrade your software, please contact us at stylusstudio@stylusstudio.com.

If you are not certain about your AUP status or would like to purchase AUP coverage, please contact a Stylus StudioŽ representative at 781.280.4488 or at stylusstudio@stylusstudio.com


Although we strive to constantly improve Stylus StudioŽ, we do not guarantee new product releases during any specific period of time. We will make our best attempts to notify registered product users of enhancements to products; however, the best way to learn of new product releases is to periodically visit the Stylus StudioŽ website.

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