Subject:Session state with Web Service Calls Author:Jason Katofsky Date:28 Feb 2006 06:01 PM
I've create a webservice client AND webservice in Visual Studio.NET 2003 and c#. I can use the Web Service Call in Stylus Studio Enterprise (latest version build 501h) to do a simple web service call. My webservice, however uses sessions to persist some information about the client while it makes multiple requests:
Here is a simple prototype of what I'm doing
public int OpenQuery() {
return number of records
public object ReadNextQuery() {
if session is open
return next chunk of records
return null
The Client would do something like:
if ( ws.OpenQuery() > 0 ) {
while ( object table = ws.ReadNextChunk() {
process stuff
I can get the OpenQuery to work, it returns the correct number of records but when I try to query the records using the ReadNextChunk call the session is dead so....
Can this be done? Does Stylus Studio support this form of session aware web service calls?
Subject:Session state with Web Service Calls Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:28 Feb 2006 07:20 PM
Hi Jason,
Currently the Stylus Studio Web Service client is not designed to support this particular scenario, but we are working to improve it. Your suggestion has been added to our database.