 Subject: Help documents don't display Author: (Deleted User) Date: 28 Feb 2006 02:03 PM
Hi, Andrew. What follows is from a thread in a users group for the tool used to create the Stylus Studio online help. It's not definitive, but it suggests that there is a problem with IE7beta. We'll keep an eye on this (thanks for bringing it to our attention), but for the present, Stylus Studio support does not extend to IE7beta.
Hope this helps.
David Foster
Stylus Studio Team
From WWPUsers
> I searched the archives but couldn't find anything on IE7. Has anyone
> tested WebWorks Help, specifically version 4.0, with the IE 7 beta?
> Looks like IE is removing URL information which is breaking context
> sensitivity.
> Thanks
> Kathleen
Hi Kathleen --
I tested the context-sensitive help for WWP 2003 Pro itself, and there does seem to be a problem with the IE 7 beta.
The first time you click a help button, the frameset opens after a rather long delay, but only to the splash screen. After that, clicking a help button opens the correct page of the help system. <snip>