Subject:[Beginner] How to export accessdb to userdefined XML Author:marcus m. Date:06 Feb 2006 09:27 AM Originally Posted: 06 Feb 2006 09:28 AM
Hi to all,
I began working with XML because a customer needs an export from his productDB (access) to a special XML File (which will add to an e-commerce plattform).
I need some Hints, to understand how to generate the xml right.
the Basics I know:
1: I've set up successfully a connection to the ODBC Access DB via SeqLink and I turned successfully some rows to a xml structure via SELECT Statement.
ok, but that is not enought, because the target XML is much more complex and has an other structure than the DB.
So, is it right, that I need a XSL Template to build up the logic/structure of the target XML file?
is it possible, to transform the DBQuery direct to the target XML structure with that XSL?
Is it possible to automate this all?
DB+XSL = final XML or must I export the DB to XML and than transform this to the target XML?
hope you understand me and can give me a hint :-)
Subject:[Beginner] How to export accessdb to userdefined XML Author:(Deleted User) Date:06 Feb 2006 11:07 AM
Hi, Marcus. I'm not sure if you already have an XML Schema that represents the target XML. The following outlined solution assumes you do not.
1. Use the XML to XML Schema Document Wizard (File > Document Wizards) to create an XML Schema from the target XML.
2. Create an XSLT stylesheet using the XSLT Mapper (File > New > XSLT: Mapper). Use the XML document based on the Access database table as the Source Document. Use the XML Schema as the Target document.
3. Map the nodes from your source document to the appropriate nodes in the target document (you can also create new nodes, if required: use the right mouse button when you drag the source node to the target, and choose, for example, Add Child Element and Map It).
4. Preview the XSLT (by clicking the green "play" button at the top of the Mapper) to ensure that the XML resulting from the XSLT transformation conforms to your requirements.
Subject:[Beginner] How to export accessdb to userdefined XML Author:marcus m. Date:07 Feb 2006 02:29 AM
thanks! that helped me very much, to understanding XSL+XML in basic :-) and in special how to work with that software.
but the first step, is to export the DB to xml, right? - no direct conversion from DB+XSL>XML?!