Subject:Evaluation key Author:Charles Bibb Date:23 Jan 2006 10:03 PM Originally Posted: 23 Jan 2006 10:01 PM
I am trying to use a trail copy and it asks for a reg. # on the bottom of the form it will get you a number but it only shows a hammer spinning around and around forever . How can I get the program to load and work? "Get Evaluation Key"<br>
"Processing" Been doing it for 20 minuits now.<br>
Note: I never buy if I don't know what the Price is.<br>
Charles Bibb <br>
Subject:Evaluation key Author:Minollo I. Date:24 Jan 2006 08:46 AM
Are you connected to the Internet behind a proxy? Stylus Studio tries to connect to its activation server through an HTTPS connection to; from what you are describing, it looks like Stylus Studio is being unable to connect; is any firewall blocking connection attempts?