Subject:Transformation Help Author:Saurabh P Date:10 Jan 2006 03:05 PM
Hello All
I am fairly new to XSLT and I have to do the following:
consider for eg. an xml file of the format
I need to write an xslt to transform the above XML to something like this :
What I need to do is check for a condition in each of the line item and if a particulat condition is met , display only that particular lineitem under the <OrderLines>. However If the condition is not met in any of the LineItem then I am not supposed to display anything. Also I need to make sure that the part of the transformed xml above <OrderLines> is displayed only once (in case if two or more lineitems meet the condition that I am checking for).
This is my first xslt transformation and coming from proceedural language world , it's proving to be quite a task. Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
Subject:Transformation Help Author:Tony Lavinio Date:10 Jan 2006 03:40 PM
First, are you using Stylus Studio? The answer might be simpler
if you are than if you're using some other environment. Also, do
you have real sample documents? Since this is a free support
forum, if you could simplify our task by providing appropriate
input documents, we can spend proportionately more time getting
good solutions for you.
In the meantime, we'll do the best with what you've posted so