I am defining a schema with some of the elements that should appear in sequence order and some other elements can appear in any order.how to define it?<br>
For eg: I am using this Credit_CN.xsd where inside the DETAIL element I want to define the elements from named "TAG" to "DR_TRAN" in a sequence order (so i have defined them as complex type and marked with xs:sequence tag)and the remaining elements in random order (so i have defined them as complex element and marked with xs:all tag). But i am getting an error as "Invalid schema Unexpected element".<br>
Kindly help me in defining a way to use both xs:sequence and xs:all inside an element or a way where we can define some elements in sequence and the other in a random way. DataTypeSchema(2).xsd DataTypeSchema.xsd
Credit_CN.xsd Credit_CN.xsd