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Thomas von BurgSubject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Thomas von Burg
Date: 29 Dec 2005 07:22 AM
I just get the Stylus Studio yesterday. But I can't connect to my ISP's MySQL DB. With Delphi components or Database Workbench I have native connection to the MySQL database. Is that not possible with Stylus Studio?

best regards


Tony LavinioSubject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 29 Dec 2005 10:33 AM
Please take a look at the Sequelink FAQ to configure MySQL

Thomas von BurgSubject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Thomas von Burg
Date: 29 Dec 2005 03:15 PM
So, the answer is no!

Do you plan to make a native connection to MySQL in future?

How do I change the connection to a new MYSQL DB? I found no parameters in
the "DataDirect SequeLink" field to change between different DB.

The support for MySQL seems to be weak.

Minollo I.Subject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 29 Dec 2005 06:04 PM
If you configure two different connections to two different MySQL databases on the SequeLink server, you should then be able to see them from Stylus Studio; are you saying that is not working?

We agree MySQL support is not a first class citizen at this point. About plans: Stylus Studio relies on the Connect for SQL/XML DataDirect product; once that product supports MySQL natively, Stylus Studio will expose that functionality too; I would expect that to happen at some point in Q2 2006.


Thomas von BurgSubject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Thomas von Burg
Date: 29 Dec 2005 06:52 PM
I don't see how?
In sladmin54 I create two MySQL connections, one ist default and the other is xxx.
In Stylus Studio I don't see a choice. In Connection Settings I can only select DataDirect SequeLink.
Can you please tell me, how I can select between this two ODBC Datasource.

Yes I don't like to use ODBC data connections at all.


Minollo I.Subject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 29 Dec 2005 10:27 PM
Sorry, I was thinking about MS Access, whose datasource pointing to a database will actually list all MS Access databases in that folder.

In your case you can connect to the non-default datasource specifying "serverDataSource=xxx" in your connection string.

In Stylus Studio you would enter a "Server URL" like:

If you are interested in more details, you can find more information about SequeLink at: http://www.datadirect.com/techres/jdbcproddoc/index.ssp


Thomas von BurgSubject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Thomas von Burg
Date: 30 Dec 2005 07:27 AM
Yes, that worked. But you have to enter username and password every time you open the DB. Stylus Studio can't store them?
I tried to change the authentication in sladmin54 to anonymous but now I get the errors [Authorisation failure. (SequeLink Error: 3061)]
I think I must reinstall the SequeLink program.

I cannot believe it, how much time it needs in Stylus Studio for two connections to two MySQL DB's.


Minollo I.Subject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 30 Dec 2005 09:52 AM
in Stylus Studio you can set a default connection (Tools > Options > Default Database Connection). Once you have done that you can choose to use the default connection whenever you try to connect to a database.

Also, if you use File Explorer in Stylus, you can setup multiple connections to databases and that should help.


Thomas von BurgSubject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Thomas von Burg
Date: 30 Dec 2005 10:38 AM
I made two connections in File Explorer in Stylus, with password und name.
But Stylus don't store password und username!

Maybee you ask the people from "Database Workbench" they know how to make native connections to MySQL and when you store a connection then you need only a doubleclick to open. In Stylus you must have all the username und password in mind.


Thomas von BurgSubject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Thomas von Burg
Date: 03 Jan 2006 09:55 AM

>in Stylus Studio you can set a
>default connection (Tools >
>Options > Default Database
>Connection). Once you have
>done that you can choose to
>use the default connection
>whenever you try to connect to
>a database.

Not working with MySQL!
I can make a default connection and can open the DB in that window. Then I close the option window and try to make a new "DB to XML Data Source" with "use default connection" and get the error: No suitable driver !


Minollo I.Subject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 03 Jan 2006 10:26 AM
I think you have hit a bug; selecting the SequeLink provider in the default connection dialog, I'm unable to properly set the default connection to use it.

We are investigating the problem, and we'll let you know about a workaround/solution as soon as possible.

Thanks for pointing this out,

Thomas von BurgSubject: No native MySQL connection
Author: Thomas von Burg
Date: 16 Mar 2006 04:36 AM
I don't work with Stylus any longer, so there is no need to inform me about the workaround/solution.



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