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Eric ASubject: XSL Errors when converting to WYSIWYG format in Stylus Studio Professional
Author: Eric A
Date: 15 Dec 2005 02:36 PM
When converting my current XSL template to the WYSIWYG format and then previewing the doc from the WYSIWYG tab, I find that Stylus is incorrectly changing my XSL code. (Actually it also changes the code if I preview or just add text through the WYSIWYG screen)

More specifically it is adding a > sign near the top of the code and inserting the top level of my xsd structure into certain xsl:value-of select statements.

The later error is only happening when I use a xsl:value-of select="format-number(round(/xsd path... syntax.

It changes it to xsl:value-of select="/xsd path/format-number(round(/xsd path... which is invalid.

I am using an external includes file for common routines & text, and an external stylesheet definition file for fonts.

Any ideas?


Core info:
Stylus Studio 2006 XML Professional Edition Build 501f
JVM 1.5.0_02-b09
xml version 1.0

Minollo I.Subject: XSL Errors when converting to WYSIWYG format in Stylus Studio Professional
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 15 Dec 2005 04:11 PM
Considering that Stylus Studio goes through a preview process to render what you see in WYSIWYG, and considering that the underling MS Internet Explorer HTML editor takes "interesting" initiatives in organizing its internal HTML DOM representation, it may happen that especially in the presence of included/imported modules some bad behavior is triggered.

Unfortunately we won't be able to help much without being able to reproduce the problems you are describing; any chance you can either attach or email us (stylus-field-report@progress.com) the files (XSLTs, XML and any included module) that you are using?


Eric ASubject: XSL Errors when converting to WYSIWYG format in Stylus Studio Professional
Author: Eric A
Date: 17 Dec 2005 11:20 AM
I found one HTML error in my include file that has been fixed but I still get a strange Stylus error.

After adding text to the WYSIWYG screen and switching back to the XSLT tab, it adds the ;gt sign after the <xsl:apply-templates/> line and modifies my xsl:value-of select.

If I try to preview from the WYSIWYG tab, it gives a new Error message: Expected node test in value-of in the xsl:value-of line listed above, with options to Jump to location Yes or No.

Clicking Yes shows the next error XML2HTML WYSIWYG encountered an error: "same message as above" Clicking OK crashes Stylus with an option to restart and send and error report.

I've sent my offending files to your email.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Eric ASubject: XSL Errors when converting to WYSIWYG format in Stylus Studio Professional
Author: Eric A
Date: 28 Dec 2005 02:04 PM
Any updates or insight from the data files sent?


Minollo I.Subject: XSL Errors when converting to WYSIWYG format in Stylus Studio Professional
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 28 Dec 2005 02:53 PM
sorry for the delay; most of the Stylus Studio engineering is taking a break in this period. We will look into this issue as soon as possible.


Minollo I.Subject: XSL Errors when converting to WYSIWYG format in Stylus Studio Professional
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 03 Jan 2006 10:50 PM
we have tried using the files you sent us. We added text in the wysiwyg view, switched back to source and back to wysiwyg a few times, with no problem; and preview didn't cause an error either.

Either we are using a different version (Stylus Studio 2006, build 501g), or you have entered text in different areas from what we tried.

Can you provide more details about what Stylus Studio version and build you are running (Help > About) and how you reproduce this problem?

Thanks, and sorry again for the delay in handling this.

Eric ASubject: XSL Errors when converting to WYSIWYG format in Stylus Studio Professional
Author: Eric A
Date: 04 Jan 2006 09:49 AM
Warning this post is long with the detailed explanations below.

Thanks for the reply.

I'm using Stylus Studio XML Profession Edition 2006 - licensed version
Framework version: Build 501f

I tried the Check for latest version option from inside of Stylus and it tells me that I'm using the latest version. I'll gladly try 501g if you have a link.

I've found the error only happens when I insert a new paragraph, editing inline text does not cause the issue.

Detailed steps to reproduce my error:

1) Open the sent Xsl file in Stylus Studio
2) Still on the XSLT Source tab, Click the preview results button and verify that the document is correct with no errors
3) Create a new Scenario with the ecatest.xml file as the Source XML URL, nothing in the Output URL, the file directory location as the Base URL for HTML links resolution (mine is file:///c:/working) and the Store paths relative to XSLT document path box checked
4) Click the WYSIWYG tab
5) Click Yes to the prompt to change the stylesheet's output method to HTML
6) Add a new paragraph by hitting enter after the paragraph in section 1 (this error also occurs if text is pasted in as a new paragraph)
7) Hit the preview results button on the WYSIWYG tab
8) First error message appears stating: Expected node test in value-of URL: file:///c:/Working/(filename) Line: 80 Col: 8 Jump to location? Yes or No.
9) Click either, (new popup msg) XML2HTML WYSIWYG encountered an error: Expected node test in value-of ...
10) Click OK, Stylus Studio error message that it has encountered a problem and needs to be closed. We are sorry for the inconvenience. (The rest is the typical Windows send error message or restart Stlyus studio message)

One note, if you follow the steps above through step 6,(inserting the new paragraph text on the WYSIWYG tab) and then click back to the XSLT Source tab without previewing, you will see that it has changed my xsl:value-of select logic in section 3.3. The root path that it adds before my format-number syntax is what appears to be invalid.

Thanks for your help.

Minollo I.Subject: XSL Errors when converting to WYSIWYG format in Stylus Studio Professional
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 04 Jan 2006 04:13 PM
I tried reproducing the problem, still with no luck, even if I do recognize the problem you are describing as a typical HTML DOM issue that we often fight in Internet Explorer.

In step #6, where do you *exactly* position the cursor before hitting Enter? Also, what version of Internet Explorer have you installed on your machine? (Stylus Studio uses Internet Explorer in design mode as its wysiwyg editing component)


Eric ASubject: XSL Errors when converting to WYSIWYG format in Stylus Studio Professional
Author: Eric A
Date: 04 Jan 2006 04:40 PM
I place the cursor at the end of the paragraph in item 1. Right after the period, in the line that ends ...subject to Force Majeure.

My Internet Explorer is version: 6.0.2800.1106.

Would the JVM version matter? Mine is 1.5.0_02-b09

Another thing I noticed is that when I click on the WYSIWYG tab the first time, I get a greater-than sign inserted at the top of my document, which is not in my code. (This led me to believe that I have an HTML error that Stylus is trying to correct). The location can be described as: from the top left corner of the document, the app-tm open tag is first, then the app-tm close tag, then the new >, then the choose open tag. If you then go back and look at the code on the XSLT source tab, the > sign is in line 7 after the <xsl:apply-templates/> code.

I'm just throwing out ideas in case they may help.


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