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Michel LauthSubject: Stylus Studio 2006 and Berkeley DB XML 2.2.8
Author: Michel Lauth
Date: 23 Nov 2005 11:35 AM
I have installed the Berkeley DB XML 2.2.8 , set the Classpath and the path variables.

In the BerkeleyDBXML.xml I defined the database environment as
<dbenv path="C:\xmldata"/>

When clicking File->Open->BerkeleyDBXML-icon a window with the following messages is displayed:
Processing BerkeleyDB.xml:
c:/xmldata is not a valid database environment

Did I missed something while installing the DB XML or is there any problems with the path settings?


(Deleted User) Subject: Stylus Studio 2006 and Berkeley DB XML 2.2.8
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 23 Nov 2005 12:56 PM

Stylus Studio will not actually create a database environment or database files for you. You have to use the Berkeley DB and Berkeley DB XML utility programs and/or API to do that. They provide lots of good examples and documentation to help out. Once you have created the environment and containers, you can use Stylus Studio to read and write .xml data to/from those containers.

Does this help you?

Michel LauthSubject: Stylus Studio 2006 and Berkeley DB XML 2.2.8
Author: Michel Lauth
Date: 24 Nov 2005 12:07 PM
Hi Clyde,
Thank you very much for your information on my problem for configurating DB XML in Stylus Studio.
I used the DBXML (Dbxml shell) to create, query, and modify data in .dbxml [container]files.

Then I tried to access the containers within Stylus Studio. In the BerkeleyDBXML.xml file I defined <dbenv path="C:/XMLData"> and <dbdir path="phone1"> elements. I saved the BerkeleyDBXML.xml file and restarted Stylus Studio. The selection File->Open gave the message:
Processing BerkeleyDBXML.xml c:/xmldata is not a valid database environment.

In a next step I deleted the <dbenv> and <dbdir> elements in the BerkeleyDBXML.xml file.

I restarted Stylus Studio and I could access the .dbxml containers without any problem! However when trying to save a document with a new name in the same container SS show a message:
Cannot update container: c:/xmldata environment is not known.

The DB XML doc says about setting the environment variable in the DB_CONFIG file (set_data_dir). Is this maybe the solution?



(Deleted User) Subject: Stylus Studio 2006 and Berkeley DB XML 2.2.8
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 24 Nov 2005 10:16 PM
Originally Posted: 24 Nov 2005 10:14 PM
Michel, Perhaps Stylus Studio is unable to recognize something in the directory c:/XMLData. Would it be possible for you to zip up that entire directory (and the BerkeleyDBXML.xml file) and email it to stylus-field-report@progress.com? We could then take a look at it and figure out what is wrong. When you removed the <dbenv> entry from BerkelyDBXML.xml, that allowed Stylus Studio Read/Only access to your containers. This is why you were able to read them but not write them. In order to update the containers, we have to figure out why Stylus Studio refuses to recognize the <dbenv> element you have created. I don't think the DB_CONFIG file is causing your problem. Thanks Clyde

(Deleted User) Subject: Stylus Studio 2006 and Berkeley DB XML 2.2.8
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 28 Nov 2005 11:39 AM
Thanks for sending the files.
I believe you have not actually created a Berkeley DB XML database environment.

When using Berkely DB XML, you create "containers" which contain the .xml data files. When you create a container, you have the OPTION of creating and using a "database environment." You can tell if you have a database environment by looking for files like __db.001 or log.0000000001.
I did not see those files in the directory c:\dbenv which you sent me.
You can learn more about database environments in the Berkeley DB and DB XML documentation.

Stylus Studio will not permit updates to containers which are not in a Berkeley DB XML database environment, but it will (as you found out) permit read-only access.

Let us know if you need more help,

Michel LauthSubject: Stylus Studio 2006 and Berkeley DB XML 2.2.8
Author: Michel Lauth
Date: 28 Nov 2005 12:49 PM
Hi Clyde,

Thank you very much for your promt reply regarding my probmlem with the Stylus Studio and the Berkeley DB XML.
In fact, when I created the containers I omitted the create a database environment.
As you suggested, I looked at the Berkeley DB documentation for informations on the OPTION argument.

I created a new **database environment** (__db.001 file ok in directory) , created containers, **defined the <dbenv> tag** in the BerkeleyDBXML.xml file and now it works fine.

I can retrieve and save the data without any problem.

Clyde, I want to thank you very very much for helping me with my problem.

My best regards and have a nice day!


(Deleted User) Subject: Stylus Studio 2006 and Berkeley DB XML 2.2.8
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 28 Nov 2005 12:53 PM
You are very welcome, Mike.
- clyde

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