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David KarrSubject: Why does SS ask for a Java source file when I'm using native Xalan functions?
Author: David Karr
Date: 04 Nov 2005 01:30 PM
I'm debugging a sample stylesheet that tests several functions in the
EXSLT "datetime" namespace. I have my processor set to Xalan 2.5.2,
which supports most or all of these functions natively. However, when I
step through this in the debugger, on almost every line Stylus Studio
asks me to specify the path to the ExsltDatetime.java source file. I
hit cancel every time so it can get to the next line.

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Why does SS ask for a Java source file when I'm using native Xalan functions?
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 04 Nov 2005 02:33 PM
HI David,

Stylus Studio should prompt you only when trying to step-in (F11) into a java function call, step-over (F10) should not.

Could you post a sample that uses exslt date-time function?

Thank You
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

David KarrSubject: RE: Why does SS ask for a Java source file when I'm using native Xalan functions?
Author: David Karr
Date: 04 Nov 2005 04:27 PM
But that's the thing, I'm not TRYING to step into a Java function call.
I'm using functions implemented natively in Xalan. I'm guessing SS
doesn't distinguish between those two cases. I'll attach my stylesheet.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ivan Pedruzzi
> HI David,
> Stylus Studio should prompt you only when trying to step-in
> (F11) into a java function call, step-over (F10) should not.
> Could you post a sample that uses exslt date-time function?


Ivan PedruzziSubject: RE: Why does SS ask for a Java source file when I'm using native Xalan functions?
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 04 Nov 2005 05:35 PM
David I can't replicate the behavior you have described; Stylus Studio prompt me only when I try to step-in into XSLT instructions that include a java fucntion call, step-over works fine.

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

David KarrSubject: RE: Why does SS ask for a Java source file when I'm using native Xalan functions?
Author: David Karr
Date: 04 Nov 2005 06:24 PM
I don't know what to say. In the attached stylesheet, I set a bp at
"". I hit F11 once and it stepped to the next
line (the "xsl:variable"). I hit F11 again, and it brought up the
dialog asking for the location of ExsltDatetime.java. It did this when
I hit F11 on every line that referenced the "date" namespace. I'm using
the XalanJ2.5.2 processor.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-tech Listmanager
> [mailto:stylus-studio-tech.listmanager@stylusstudio.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 04, 2005 2:37 PM
> Subject: RE: Why does SS ask for a Java source file when I'm
> using native Xalan functions?
> From: Ivan Pedruzzi
> David I can't replicate the behavior you have described;
> Stylus Studio prompt me only when I try to step-in into XSLT
> instructions that include a java fucntion call, step-over works fine.
> Ivan Pedruzzi
> Stylus Studio Team
> --
> To reply: mailto:stylus-studio-tech.12469@stylusstudio.com
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Ivan PedruzziSubject: RE: Why does SS ask for a Java source file when I'm using native Xalan functions?
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 04 Nov 2005 08:14 PM
F11 = step into
F10 = step over

Use F10 to step-over to the next XSLT instrunction.

As I explained in my original message if you use F11 you are asking Stylus Studio to step-in inside the extension function.

Hope is clear now.

David KarrSubject: RE: Why does SS ask for a Java source file when I'm using native Xalan functions?
Author: David Karr
Date: 04 Nov 2005 09:30 PM
I know all that. The point is that I was not stepping into a Java
extension function. The function is implemented natively in Xalan, not
in a Java extension function.

Also, the concept of "step over" and "step into" is confusing when
you're sitting on an XML start element tag that has children. I thought
there were some situations where if I did "step over", it would "step
over" the child elements, not stepping through them.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ivan Pedruzzi
> F11 = step into
> F10 = step over
> Use F10 to step-over to the next XSLT instrunction.
> As I explained in my original message if you use F11 you are
> asking Stylus Studio to step-in inside the extension function.
> Hope is clear now.
> Ivan
> --
> To reply: mailto:stylus-studio-tech.12471@stylusstudio.com
> To start a new topic: mailto:stylus-studio-tech@stylusstudio.com
> To login: http://www.stylusstudio.com/SSDN/
> To (un)subscribe:
> mailto:stylus-studio-tech.list-request@stylusstudio.com

Ivan PedruzziSubject: RE: Why does SS ask for a Java source file when I'm using native Xalan functions?
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 04 Nov 2005 10:14 PM
>I know all that. The point is that I was not stepping into a
>Java extension function. The function is implemented
>natively in Xalan, not in a Java extension function.

What you call "native function" is just one of the built-in extension functions that XalanJ bundles that of course are implemented in java.

>Also, the concept of "step over" and "step into" i confusing when
>you're sitting on an XML start element tag that has children.

The behaviour should not surprise you. When you are programming in java for instance and you have a code like the following do you expect to jump from foo1 to foo2 using step-over?


The indentation doesn't affect the stack, the execution context is always the same.

step-in means transfer the control from one routine to another.
The XSLT instructions that transfer control are call-template, apply-templates, function calls inside XPath expressions.

Nevertheless the ability to step is strictly related to the debugger capabilities of each processor. For instance some processor perform optimizations like in-lining, some don't report all literal values.


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