In my new case, the suggestion to use the Windows Installer Clean-Up utility to clean the MS Office and MS Outlook registry settings didn't have any effect.
So I started thinking what changed on my PC the day that a good working copy of Stylus went gaga.
The only thing changed was the updating of some HP printer driver software.
I uninstalled all HP software and now the Stylus problem is gone.
Of course I need to reinstall now MS Office and all HP printer software and hope that Stylus is not affected after that.
I do find it very strange that a software is affected by the installation/updating of some other software.
I'm rather frustrated since this is already the second time this happens to me.
Subject:severe issue: windows installer pops up Author:Minollo I. Date:31 Oct 2005 10:18 AM
as already commented in the original threads you quoted, this problem is only indirectly related to Stylus Studio itself. The issue is triggered by some of the Internet Explorer COM objects being instantiated by Stylus Studio; we do use Internet Explorer components for HTML editing in the XML-to-HTML XSLT WYSIWYG context.
Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do about this; we don't control the internal behavior and registry settings that trigger that behavior in the Internet Explorer components we are using. We are working on an updated and more flexible WYSIWYG editor that will not rely on Internet Explorer as the editing component, but that will be available only later next year; and the plan is to keep the existing HTML-centric WYSIWYG editor active anyway.
Subject:severe issue: windows installer pops up Author:Elaine Rosenberg Date:08 Sep 2006 10:34 AM
I ran into this problem also and did not want to uninstall a lot of what I had installed in order to make this problem go away. In particular, the uninstalltion of MS Outlook and MS Office would have been a MAJOR inconvenience for me.
What I did was go into the event viewer and saw that around the time that I began having these problems with starting Stylus Studio, there was an Event Warning labeled "MsiInstaller". There was a warning about an HP product that I believe I had uninstalled previously. I removed only that entry with the Windows Install Cleanup utility and I had success, starting Stylus Studio again.
Subject:severe issue: windows installer pops up Author:slava kostrubin Date:30 May 2007 09:26 AM
I'm running Windows Server 2003.
I am having the same issue when I try to launch the application normally; I get the MSI Installer which doesn't respond.
However, if I launch it using Run As... , select current user and check restricted access mode, SS launches fine. I only need to do this if the user is an administrator on the system; application launches fine for users not in the administrators group.
Perhaps this is a better workaround then having to re-install certain applications, but it's strange that it only effects the administrator users.
Subject:severe issue: windows installer pops up Author:Minollo I. Date:30 May 2007 11:42 AM
Running it as restricted user most likely makes Windows installer unable to check some registry settings, which avoids making it think that there is some component that needs update/reinstallation.