Subject:RE: XSLT debugger doesn't stop at breakpoint (Xalan-J processor) Author:David Karr Date:29 Oct 2005 12:58 AM
That didn't help. I set bps on 3 consecutive lines that I know are
being executed. I also tried putting it on the first line of the main
xsl:template, and it still doesn't stop at a breakpoint. I tried
xalan-j 6.5.2 and saxon 8.4.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-tech Listmanager
> []
> Sent: Friday, October 28, 2005 5:37 PM
> Subject: XSLT debugger doesn't stop at breakpoint (Xalan-J processor)
> From: Ivan Pedruzzi
> Just to be on the safe side start the debugger with the F5 key.
> If the XSLT instruction spans on multiple lines sometime
> XalanJ reports only the last part, try to set breakpoints on
> multiple locations.
> Hope this helps
> Ivan Pedruzzi
> Stylus Studio Team
> --
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