Subject:rdbxml and xslt in one project Author:poo sin Date:06 Oct 2005 01:29 AM
I am new to Stylus Studio and trying to figure out how I can have rdbxml and xslt in the same project.
Why do I need this -> my requirements are to transform input-file.xml to output-file.xml based on temp.xslt but some nodes in output-file.xml does DB lookup.
Basically output-file.xml has some nodes transformed from input-file.xml and some from DB lookup.
I was able to come up with rdbxml file and temp.xslt but I don't know how to link both to produce combined output-file.xslt.
Subject:rdbxml and xslt in one project Author:(Deleted User) Date:06 Oct 2005 12:20 PM
While working within Stylus Studio or using Stylus Studio command-line XSLT you can use rdbxml url as if it is regular xml document - Stylus will resolve it and will execute proper DB calls. If you want to execute same XSLT outside Stylus Studio you can use our java library ( it will work only with java-based processors).