Subject:Tracing support? Author:poo sin Date:05 Oct 2005 07:37 PM
Hello Ivan,
Thank you for your response. Is there an in-built support for logging; asserting in stylus studio that writes to a log file and asserts the conditions as it moves along the transformations.
Subject:Tracing support? Author:poo sin Date:06 Oct 2005 01:01 AM
Thanks once again. I am thinking to write to log files as the transformations go on and when some errror happens or anomaly in the output xml file, then to look at the log file.
To write another transformation file to generate log, I'm not sure whether it will be concurrent and happening in parallel as process is processing.
Subject:Tracing support? Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:06 Oct 2005 10:16 AM
<<"..some error happens or anomaly..">>
If by error/anomaly you mean an incoming document with a structure different from what you are expecting, you could build a simple schema so you can validate them before running the XSLT processor.
If you are trying to catch runtime errors such as stack overflow, xsl:message can be used to print messages to the standard output that can can be pipe to a file when you are running the XSLT processor from the command line.