Subject:msxml's cdata() alternative Author:Alexander Illarionov Date:13 Sep 2005 06:31 AM
The task is to build xsl that generates html output from any xml document exactly the way msxml does (tree structure).
The problem is I cannot match CDATA sections to distinguish their output from text node's one.
msxml uses cdata(), but it's about to be just the parser's extension,
and I cannot use match="cdata()"
Is there another way to match CDATA for IE? Or may be a way that works in both IE and Mozilla to do that?
That is the question.
Subject:msxml's cdata() alternative Author:Tony Lavinio Date:13 Sep 2005 09:05 AM
Once the data has reached an XSLT engine from the XML parser, there
is no difference between CDATA and text() nodes. CDATA is just a
convenience for the writer; internally it is converted into text, and
any identity as CDATA is gone. This is true for all XSLT processors,
and in fact, true for anything that consumes parsed XML.
Subject:msxml's cdata() alternative Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:13 Sep 2005 09:24 AM
For your information IE uses a pre-dated XSLT language called XSL.
You can see the transformation source typing res://msxml.dll/DEFAULTSS.xsl in the address bar.