Subject:Studio Crashed when copy/paste large texts Author:Frank Lin Date:31 Aug 2005 07:09 PM
I tried to edit two xml files using Stylus Studio (E version). When I tried to copy/paste large XML texts (3 pages more) from one file to another, the Studio crashed after pasted. It's happened all time. Any ideas?
Subject:Studio Crashed when copy/paste large texts Author:Tony Lavinio Date:31 Aug 2005 11:00 PM
What release are you running? You can get it from Help|About.
Also, when Stylus Studio crashes, it produces a log files that
can be emailed to our support site. I didn't notice any crash
files coming from you, but they often contain clues as to what
happened. Sometimes it's a conflict with other software, or
sometimes it's a corner case in some specification which troubles
the software.
But if you can email that log file, along with detailed steps to
reproduce the problem, to stylus-field-report (at),
we'd be happy to look at it right away.