Subject:Mapper adds unwanted Code (Bug or feature?) Author:Oliver Rennert Date:26 Aug 2005 02:57 PM
Hi there
I am using Stylus Version 5.3, build 179h
I wonder why the stylus adds code to my xsl when I don't expect it to.
Please open the attached stylesheet and execute the following steps:
- Switch to the mapper view
- You should see the first loop showing
<xsl:for-each select="List/M_IFTMIN/G_SG10">
- Choose the SegmentIdentifier tag in the G521 element on the target side (right mouse click) and change the actual value from C521 to anything like C52
- In that moment a lot of expressions are changed.
e.g. <xsl:for-each select="List/M_IFTMIN/G_SG10[S_NAD/D_3035='CA']">
Subject:Mapper adds unwanted Code (Bug or feature?) Author:Minollo I. Date:26 Aug 2005 03:26 PM
I can't reproduce this behavior using more recent versions of Stylus Studio. Can you try installing the latest 6 release 3 trial (you can download it from, and it won't conflict with your existing installation and license) and give it a try?
The latest version also allows you to siplify the graph displayed by mapper by hiding links not entirely visible and/or hiding/showing only specific subtrees; given the nature of your mapping, it seems to me you could greatly benefit from that new feature.