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Barbara ScaifeSubject: XSLT editor behavior
Author: Barbara Scaife
Date: 24 Aug 2005 04:16 PM
Stylus Studio has an annoying behavior within the XSLT editor source display. Sometimes the editor displays extra blanks in expressions which contain variables. For example the following line
<xsl:if test="$MyName != 0">
was keyed in then the file was saved and closed. When the file was reopened, the line above displayed as
<xsl:if test="$MyName != 0">
This line was not edited to remove the extra spaces and the next time the document was opened in the XSLT editor an additional space had been added to the expression.

I have attempted to find some type of pattern as to when this issue occurs but was unable to. Is there a setting which will resolve this issue? Perhaps in a future upgrade this will be addressed.

(Deleted User) Subject: Re: XSLT editor behavior
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 25 Aug 2005 05:37 AM
Hi Barbara,
this is an issue of the XSLT mapper; the fix for it will be available
in the next update of Stylus.


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