I have installed the latest version of Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition Release 3 and uninstalled my evaluation version. The evaluation version allowed the attached command line to work, but after the install the command line gives the attached error.
You are missing the flags to indentify input and output, as stated in the inline message.
Use the following syntax:
G:\Data\Carnival\Maps>"C:\Program Files\Stylus Studio 6 XML Professional Edition
\bin\stylusxslt.exe" -out "g:\data\carnival\maps\CORP_ITIN_DATA_CUS.xml" -in db:///CORP_ITIN_DATA_EXTRACT.rdbxml "G:\Data\Carnival\Map
I am a little confused. Help (command line:running stylus studio) states that I can run from the command line and apply a stylesheet as well and this worked in the version I tested.
Has command line access been disabled in the Professional 6.3 version?
Professional Edition entitles you to use the command line processors but *not* the XML adapters.
What you are trying to do is to run a XSLT transformation against a relation database.
Your input document is db:///CORP_ITIN_DATA_EXTRACT.rdbxml
It means that you are using the DB to XML adapter to fetch the data from a relation database and translate it into XML so it can be used by the XSLT processor.