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Jim MeltonSubject: Keyboard focus not restored in XSD file windows
Author: Jim Melton
Date: 29 Jun 2005 08:13 PM
I've searched this forum without seeing this problem reported.

If I am editing an XSD file in SS 6 and I change keyboard focus to another application window (whether with Alt-Tab or by clicking the mouse in that other window), when I return to SS6 (either through Alt-Tab or by mouse click), there is no keyboard focus at all. I have to use a mouse-click to give myself a keyboard focus in the XSD file that I am editing.

Similarly, changing from one window to another within SS 6 (using Ctrl-Tab or mouse-clicking on a tab) and then returning to the XSD window results in a complete absence of keyboard focus.

This is quite annoying and I hope it's just some sort of user preference or setting that I've gotten wrong.

Another very annoying thing (as long as I'm on the subject) is that, every time I open an XSD file in SS6, the window real estate is split evenly between the text view (on the bottom) and a graphical view (on the top). I virtually NEVER edit XML Schema files in the graphical view, strongly preferring the text view, so I really get annoyed by always having to manually close the graphical view in order to maximize the amount of the text window I can see.

Again, I hope it's just some user setting that I've gotten wrong.

Any advice about correcting these two annoyances will be gratefully received.

Many thanks,

Minollo I.Subject: Keyboard focus not restored in XSD file windows
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 30 Jun 2005 03:22 PM
we will look into the first issue you mentioned (lost keyboard focus); that sounds like a bug.

About the second one (collapsing XML Schema diagram view by default), we don't have a setting for doing that. I'm adding an item in our product change request database to add an option setting.


Jim MeltonSubject: Keyboard focus not restored in XSD file windows
Author: Jim Melton
Date: 30 Jun 2005 03:43 PM

Many thanks for the quick response. I look forward to the bug fix re: keyboard focus, and to the possibility of an enhancement to provide more control over the view(s) that are opened by default.

Thanks again,

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