Subject:Sort Selection List of Files by Date/Time Author:Neal Walters Date:27 Jun 2005 05:56 PM
From XSLT I open the scenario properties and next to the "Source Xml URL" I click the "...". I get a list of hundreds of files.
The "My Computer" icon is selected on the left.
I click the "details" right-most icon and I see filename and size but I don't see date/time last updated. I want to see date/time last updated, then click on that column so I can select the most recent file in this directory.
Subject:Sort Selection List of Files by Date/Time Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:28 Jun 2005 11:25 AM
Hi Neal,
Sorting by column and the addition of a new column "Date Modified" will be available in the next major release.
We may try to squeeze it in the next update, but no firm plan at this point.
Thank You for your feedbacks
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team