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SSDN AdminSubject: Windows Installer (Not Responding) Message box Error
Author: SSDN Admin
Date: 02 Oct 2006 12:37 PM
Originally Posted: 13 Jun 2005 12:54 PM
Problem Description:
A customer downloads the Stylus Studio free evaluation and upon attempting to run the program, a "Windows Installer" message box that becomes a "Windows Installer (Not Responding)" message box as nothing proceeds to happen.

Problem Resolution:
This is definitely an issue that can be solved by msicuu2, the Windows installer clean-up utility; at least one application installation, typically MS Office, Outlook or Outlook Express is causing the problem.

Please note that the problem is not in the Stylus Studio installation, so cleaning or removing the Stylus Studio installation won't change the behavior you are seeing.

Make sure you download the latest version of msicuu2 ( http://download.microsoft.com/download/e/9/d/e9d80355-7ab4-45b8-80e8-983a48d5e1bd/msicuu2.exe ) and try cleaning the typical suspects listed above.

The Windows Installer Clean-Up utility doesn't completely uninstall an application; it just "cleans-up" some of the registry settings set by Windows Installer when installing the application you are "cleaning". As a result of that, in many cases you need to re-install the "cleaned-up" application.

What you may want to do is to start checking if MS Office 2000 is listed by the Windows Installer Clean-up utility; and if it is, start cleaning it. If the problem persists, the culprit usually is (in the few other cases we have seen) the Outlook or Outlook Express installation.

Minollo I.Subject: Windows Installer (Not Responding) Message box Error
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 01 Dec 2006 03:50 PM
An additional note:

Some users have been able to identify which application is causing problems examining the Windows Event Viewer:
Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Event Viewer

If you see entries like:
* Warning: Source=MsiInstaller, Category=None, Event=1001
feature '...' failed during request for component

...check the this registry entry...

...and see if you see the "{XXXX...}" key; its contents will point you in the direction of the application that is causing troubles.

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