Subject:Programmatic CSV to XML conversion without the use of system files Author:Chris Whyte Date:19 May 2005 12:47 AM
I am involved in developing a business process manager that handles large quantities of documents daily, and am evaluating Stylus Studio as a candidate for converting CSV (amongst other file types) to XML. It is written using J2EE so I was pleased to find that there is a Java API available.
After looking at the Java API and the available sample code, it seems that the method for programmatically converting from CSV to XML relies on the source message and target message to be contained within files in the file system. The messages going through our business process manager are contained in Java objects. Writing the messages from Java objects to system files seems like a bit of an overhead and is not really an option for us.
Am I right in assuming that writing to a file in the file system is the only way to use the Java API or am I missing something? Are there any plans for implementing this type of thing in the near future?