Subject:Reducing the size of an XSD Author:Paul Corriveau Date:17 May 2005 08:37 AM
Is there a way in SS to create a smaller XSD starting at a given element within a much larger XSD? What I'm looking for is a way to create a 'sub schema' from the 'master'.
Subject:Reducing the size of an XSD Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:18 May 2005 03:47 AM
Hi Paul
In the upcoming release (6.3) we have enanched the refactoring capabilities.
You will be able to copy ( refactoring->copy ) any global definiton and "smartly" paste (refactoring->paste ) in the destination schema and Stylus Studio will import all related definitions for you.
Stylus Studio 6.3 is scheduled to go online in few days, the count down is started :)