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Tala ParkerSubject: Ahead of its time
Author: Tala Parker
Date: 15 May 2005 03:20 PM
I need a miracle. I'm looking for a way to be able to highlight all text in a .xml file during edit between each same occurance of a start tag and end tag. e.g. <value>This text</value>. I need to use this in connection with the Replace With function in Edit so that I can replace English words with their Spanish equivalents. It would a lot less cumbersome than going down the entire sheet of XML to replace each instance manually. Any ideas?

XML document

(Deleted User) Subject: Ahead of its time
Author: (Deleted User)
Date: 16 May 2005 05:25 AM
Originally Posted: 16 May 2005 05:26 AM
Hi Tala,
I couldn't read the file you attached (it looks like binary data), but this is what I would do: type in the XPath edit box at the top of the XML editor a query like //value/text() and press Enter. On the right of the editor the result window will open; now, starting from the bottom of the result list, select the entry, check that the corresponding text will be selected in the text editor, press F6 to switch the focus to the editor and type in the replacement text, and so on until you reach the first entry in the result list.

Hope this helps,

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