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Bill WinspurSubject: Project Management Wishlist
Author: Bill Winspur
Date: 18 Sep 2003 02:48 PM
I have read all the documentation and have used the product on the evaluation license for two weeks, but projects remain confusing and irritating to me.

Bear with me as I document my confusion in the form of a wish list, rather than a set of well formed questions (its quicker for me).

1) I wish SS kept a list of all the projects (and thr URIs of their prj files) that it has created, to support fast navigation to a project.

2) SS responded to the Project|New Project menu item with the file save dialog, to prevent ambiguity as to the project's persistent state, i.e.
a) at present, a new Projectn name is shown every time you do New Project and any previous name e.g. Project(n-1), goes to where?
b)The save-as command is confusing, since it usually means save a copy of the current, existing file somewhere else. This implies thata file for Projectn has already been created somewhere.

3)I wish there was a Project | Rename command

4) I wish the logic of populating/displaying the project node 'Other documents' (it is not a filesystem node, although it looks like one), were explained somewhere.

5) I wish 'Other documents' did not continue diagnosing missing files it once referred to, after they have been deleted from the filesystem.

6) I wish SS allowed me to explicitly delete a file, not just to remove it from a project.

7) I wish SS allowed me to rename a file belonging to the project.

8) I wish SS allowed more than one project node in the project window, i.e. more than one project open at a time.

Thanks for your attention, and forgive me for wishing for things that already exist, if that is the case,

Bill Winspur.

Minollo I.Subject: Re: Project Management Wishlist
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 19 Sep 2003 10:40 AM
Bill, thanks for your feedback; we'll surely keep your wishlist in mind. In
the meanwhile, a few comments:

>1) I wish SS kept a list of all the projects (and thr URIs of their prj
>files) that it has created, to support fast navigation to a project.

Stylus keeps a list of the 4 most recent open projects (at the bottom of
the project menu); I guess you are suggesting keeping a longer - or non
limited - list of them.

>2) SS responded to the Project|New Project menu item with the file save
>dialog, to prevent ambiguity as to the project's persistent state, i.e.
> a) at present, a new Projectn name is shown every time you do New
> Project and any previous name e.g. Project(n-1), goes to where?
> b)The save-as command is confusing, since it usually means save a copy
> of the current, existing file somewhere else. This implies thata file for
> Projectn has already been created somewhere.

Project|New Project does trigger a "project save" dialog *if* the current
project has been modified. Otherwise, the current project is silently
closed - as no saving is required.
Save-as and Save have the same semantics when the project (or document) is
still untitled/unsaved; that's a normal behavior for applications. Once the
project has been saved, the semantics of the two commands diverge in the
obvious way.

>3)I wish there was a Project | Rename command

The name of a project in Stylus Studio is *always* the name of the file
name used to store the project. That implies that a "Rename" command is
really a save-as.

>4) I wish the logic of populating/displaying the project node 'Other
>documents' (it is not a filesystem node, although it looks like one), were
>explained somewhere.

The "Other Documents" folder is a sibling of the user project; it's used to
collect all those documents that are not part of the current project, but
that are currently open in Stylus (maybe hidden) for some reason. For
example, if you open "a.xsl" and that file is not part of the current
project, the corresponding "node" will be listed in the "Other Documents"
section. If you run a.xsl and its execution requires inspecting a "a.xml"
document, a.xml will be added to the "Other Documents" section, unless it's
part of the user project.
The "Other Documents" folder is flushed when all the active documents in
Stylus are closed.

>5) I wish 'Other documents' did not continue diagnosing missing files it
>once referred to, after they have been deleted from the filesystem.

As any other project node, project nodes in "Other documents" are URIs; if
the physical corresponding document is not available, you will have an
error message when you try to "open" that node from the "Other documents"
section. But unless you do that, the fact that the non-existent URI is
listed in "Other documents" shouldn't trigger any error message.

>6) I wish SS allowed me to explicitly delete a file, not just to remove it
>from a project.
>7) I wish SS allowed me to rename a file belonging to the project.

We tried, and keep trying, to stay away from file management in Stylus; as
most IDEs do, we don't expose operations to delete/rename files.

>8) I wish SS allowed more than one project node in the project window,
>i.e. more than one project open at a time.

We are aware that this would be useful in many cases; we have an
outstanding entry in our bug tracking system for it. We'll get to it


Bill WinspurSubject: Re: Project Management Wishlist
Author: Bill Winspur
Date: 21 Sep 2003 06:35 PM

Thanks for your prompt reply, which cleared things up for me.


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