Subject:substitutionGroup error Author:Sunil S Date:29 Jul 2003 06:00 AM
I'm writing an xsd and have created a substitution gp as follows:
(!-- substitution group for warranty -->
I get a warning:
"Element guarantee has a type which does not derive from the type of the element at the head of the substitution group" but no such warning when I use XMLSpy. Is it that Studio doesn't recognise the syntax or that XMLSpy has a looser set of validation rules?
Subject:Re: substitutionGroup error Author:(Deleted User) Date:29 Jul 2003 09:39 AM
Hi Sunil,
this could be a bug in the Xerces validation engine; I'll check with the
Xerces team and let you know what they think.
As a workaround, you should explicitly give a type to that element, either
by means of a "type" attribute, or by creating an anonymous type definition
as its child.