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Robert StaytonSubject: DocBook XSL fails to process
Author: Robert Stayton
Date: 08 Dec 2002 04:06 AM
I'm evaluating Stylus Studio for use the the DocBook XSL stylesheets. But the evaluation version 4.5 fails when I try to process any DocBook XSL stylesheet with the built-in XSL processor. The message I get is "Global variable 'toc.list.type' has not been defined", and gives the URL of the html/autotoc.xsl stylesheet module that references the parameter. But of course that parameter has been defined in the html/param.xsl stylesheet module included in docbook.xsl. When I initially open the html/docbook.xsl file, it properly loads the other included files, and it lists that parameter. But when it runs, it seems to have lost the parameter. When I test with the fo stylesheet instead, or with an older stylesheet version, it still stops, but on a different missing global variable.

If I change the scenario's processor to Xalan, it works. If I try Saxon, it fails with the message "java.lang.RuntimeException: Not supported: http://icl.com/saxon/feature/traceListener".

So does Stylus Studio only work with Xalan for DocBook XSL?


Minollo I.Subject: Re: DocBook XSL fails to process
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 08 Dec 2002 06:26 AM
the internal Stylus Studio processor does have limitations about the
order in which global variables/parameters must be defined; that's probably
the problem you are hitting.

About Saxon, we will need to investigate to understand if you are hitting a
Saxon issue or a problem related to how Saxon is used inside Stylus.

So, yes, I would suggest that you use the XalanJ processor in the
meanwhile; debugging and back-mapping is available also when using XalanJ;
that addresses most of the usual development needs.
We will let you know what the problem with Saxon is; the issue with the
internal processor will not be addressed until the next major changes in
the XSLT area will occur (XSLT 2.0).

Hope this helps,

Ivan PedruzziSubject: RE: DocBook XSL fails to process
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 08 Dec 2002 03:16 PM

I tried the following DocBook stylesheets (DocBook 1.58.0) using Saxon
(Stylus Studio 4.5 build 103m)



they work fine for me.
Could you provide the exact XSL/XML where you get the error ?
Are you using DocBook extension functions ?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-tech Listmanager [mailto:listmanager]
> Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 4:23 AM
> To: Recipients of 'stylus-studio-tech' suppressed
> Subject: DocBook XSL fails to process
> From: "Robert Stayton"
> I'm evaluating Stylus Studio for use the the DocBook XSL
> stylesheets. But the evaluation version 4.5 fails when I try
> to process any DocBook XSL stylesheet with the built-in XSL
> processor. The message I get is "Global variable
> 'toc.list.type' has not been defined", and gives the URL of
> the html/autotoc.xsl stylesheet module that references the
> parameter. But of course that parameter has been defined in
> the html/param.xsl stylesheet module included in docbook.xsl.
> When I initially open the html/docbook.xsl file, it properly
> loads the other included files, and it lists that parameter.
> But when it runs, it seems to have lost the parameter. When
> I test with the fo stylesheet instead, or with an older
> stylesheet version, it still stops, but on a different
> missing global variable.
> If I change the scenario's processor to Xalan, it works. If
> I try Saxon, it fails with the message
> "java.lang.RuntimeException: Not supported:
> http://icl.com/saxon/feature/traceListener".
> So does Stylus
> Studio only work with Xalan for DocBook XSL?
> bobs
> To reply: mailto:stylus-studio-tech.6111@edn.exln.com
> To start a new topic: mailto:stylus-studio-tech@edn.exln.com
> To login: http://edn.exln.com/~SSDN

Robert StaytonSubject: RE: DocBook XSL fails to process
Author: Robert Stayton
Date: 08 Dec 2002 09:12 PM
I don't understand why it works for you and not for me.
I'm using Stylus Studio 4.5 build 103m (evaluation day 2).
I start the product, select File->Open and HTML\docbook.xsl
(unmodified stylesheets). I create a scenario by selecting
RELEASE-NOTES.xml, and setting a scenario name. I select
the Saxon processor, but I don't touch any parameter
values. I'm not using any extensions. When I do Preview
XSLT Result I still get this error:

"java.lang.RuntimeException: Not supported:

Same thing with FO/docbook.xsl and XHTML/docbook.xsl.

I cleared my environment CLASSPATH just in case that might
confuse it. I'm running Java 1.4.0_01-b03 on
Windows XP with 256MB memory. Is there something else
on my machine that might cause this problem?

Rudolf P WeinmannSubject: RE: DocBook XSL fails to process
Author: Rudolf P Weinmann
Date: 09 Dec 2002 02:50 AM

I gave it a try too (4.5 103m) and I get almost the same results as Robert.
The xhtml docBook on release-notes.xml works fine with Xalan, Saxon, msxml3 and msxml4 but not with Studio's builtin engine and not with the .NET processor.
I attache screenshots of the error messages.
BTW, the error message of .NET does not fit on the screen (1024x768) and therefore forces the user to kill Studio.


Failure Stylus Studio

Failure Microsoft .NET

Minollo I.Subject: RE: DocBook XSL fails to process
Author: Minollo I.
Date: 09 Dec 2002 03:16 AM

>I gave it a try too (4.5 103m) and I get almost the same results as Robert.

Actually this seems to be more consistent with Ivan's findings... You are
saying that Saxon works fine, which is not the case for Robert.

As mentioned, we are aware of the problem with the built-in processor;
we'll try to raise the priority of this issue and fix it soon.

>BTW, the error message of .NET does not fit on the screen (1024x768) and
>therefore forces the user to kill Studio.

We are fixing this issue in the next public update.


Ivan PedruzziSubject: RE: DocBook XSL fails to process
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 09 Dec 2002 09:35 AM

> -----Original Message-----
> From: stylus-studio-tech Listmanager [mailto:listmanager]
> Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 3:07 AM
> To: Recipients of 'stylus-studio-tech' suppressed
> Subject: RE: DocBook XSL fails to process
> From: "Rudolf P Weinmann"
> Hi
> I gave it a try too (4.5 103m) and I get almost the same
> results as Robert. The xhtml docBook on release-notes.xml
> works fine with Xalan, Saxon, msxml3 and msxml4 but not with
> Studio's builtin engine and not with the .NET processor. I
> attache screenshots of the error messages. BTW, the error
> message of .NET does not fit on the screen (1024x768) and
> therefore forces the user to kill Studio.

Just press the space bar or the enter key makes the message box goes
The error is kindly replicated in the Output window.


John AccardiSubject: RE: DocBook XSL fails to process
Author: John Accardi
Date: 19 Nov 2006 09:08 AM

After searching on this issue I find this thread and now it's 4 years later and I seem to be stumbling on this same issue with the built in XSLT processor on the current docbook xsl distribution. My specifics:

Stylus Studio 2007 Home Edition (purchased)
(all .dlls from "about" screen show: build 735e)

XSL: docbook-xsl-1.71.1/html/docbook.xsl
(which includes: autotoc.xsl)
offending var: toc.list.type (default value=Result Tree Fragment)

Is this the same problem with the built in processor? Or might I have a different problem.

If it's the same problem, when will this 4 year old error be fixed for built in processor?


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