Subject:SourceSafe Integration Author:Max Hodges Date:14 Jun 2001 05:23 AM
SourceSafe Integration would be cool. Sometimes I open a file from disk that is read-only because I have not check it out from SourceSafe. I don't get a prompt until I attempt to save it, then I know I must check it out first. HomeSite by MacroMedia has done a pretty good job of integrating with SourceSafe. You be be able to get some ideas from their product.
Subject:Re: SourceSafe Integration Author:Minollo I. Date:14 Jun 2001 09:55 AM
At 05:27 AM 6/14/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "Max Hodges"
>SourceSafe Integration would be cool. Sometimes I open a file from disk
>that is read-only because I have not check it out from SourceSafe. I don't
>get a prompt until I attempt to save it, then I know I must check it out
>first. HomeSite by MacroMedia has done a pretty good job of integrating
>with SourceSafe. You be be able to get some ideas from their product.
That's on our radar; we'll get there soon.