Subject:Re: output cannot be generated Author:Minollo I. Date:07 Jun 2001 01:11 PM
At 10:54 AM 6/7/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>From: "Jackson Lee"
> I created an xsl and xml files and tried to generate the output but
> i am not able to see the output. Can you let me know why?
When you open the XSLT file and you specify your XML file in the scenario
dialog, what does it happen when you click the "preview" button? Have you
tried switching the preview window to source mode?
Subject:output cannot be generated Author:J Riley Date:08 Jun 2001 04:26 PM
I was having similar difficulties till I figured out that the only way to get the output is to hit the little tiny refresh button on the toolbar in the xsl doc window. Just bringing up the preview pane doesn't get you the output. Perhaps this is just a bug and it should bring it up automatically when the preview pane gets shown. Also, I think that the program should try to produce output upon creation of the scenario.
There should be some more visual/intuitive indication of how to get the ouput to display in my mind.