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Bruce CantorSubject: Problems posting multipart form via http-post
Author: Bruce Cantor
Date: 06 Oct 2023 01:50 PM
I am having trouble making a http-post via Xquery in Stylus studio.
I have created a successfully post via Postman but cannot recreate the success in Xquery in Stylus Studio.

In Postman this exported code is working successfully:

POST /api/private/portugal/invoice-sender-feedback HTTP/1.1
Host: sii.marosavat.com
Environment: TEST
Company: PT501234569
Id: 4587
Authorization: Basic YnQuY2FudG9yQGVldGdyb3VwLmNb==
Content-Length: 257
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="/C:/GitHub/xml/PipelineTransformations/Marosa/testdata/2000003B_Invoice_test_marosa.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv


In stylus studio I am trying to achieve the same result with this code (part of):

if(exists(/*[local-name() = 'Invoice'])) then
(:Create invoice via library:)
let $document := Marosa:CreateInvoiceCSV(/)
return ddtek:http-post($endpoints/@URLInvoiceCreditNote, $document, $options)

where $document is the content and $options are set in a configuration file like this:

<WS URLInvoiceCreditNote="(https)://sii.marosavat.com/api/private/portugal/invoice-sender-feedback___"/>
<header name="Authorization"
value="Basic YnQuY2FudG9yQGVldGdyb3Vwg=="/>
<header name="Content-Type" value="multipart/form-data"/>
<!-- additional required header values-->
<header name="Environment" value="TEST"/>
<header name="Company" value="PT501234569"/>
<header name="Id" value="4587"/>

When I run the Xquery code I get an error 400-bad request.
Am I doing this correct? I am thinking that I might be setting the multipart file part wrong?

Kind regards

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Problems posting multipart form via http-post
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 06 Oct 2023 04:11 PM

You should not try to handle authentication manually, ddtek:http functions support and user/password for BASIC and DIGEST
Mime type it is also managed automatically.

<request username="..." password="...">
<header name="Environment" value="TEST"/>
<header name="Company" value="PT501234569"/>
<header name="Id" value="4587"/>

Make sure to pass the element "request" to the function and not element "Marosa" as in your example

<WS URLInvoiceCreditNote="(https)://sii.marosavat.com/api/private/portugal/invoice-sender-feedback___"/>

Try the above first, if the multi-part is really a requirement. you may need to use a different function.
Here is an example of extension function HTTP.VERB available from XPS build 150 or greater, which was designed to be compatible with ddtek:http option and response.

Element "parameter" you can point to a local file using local path.
Attribute "type" supports 3 values: file, base64, text
When type is base64 or text you need to place the value directly as text, see second example.

declare namespace xps_http = 'ddtekjava:com.ivitechnologies.pipeline.ext.net.HTTP';\n";
declare function xps_http:VERB($verb as xs:string, $url, $options as document-node()?, $payload as document-node()?) external;\n";

declare variable $options :=

<request username="..." password="...">
<header name="Environment" value="TEST"/>
<header name="Company" value="PT501234569"/>
<header name="Id" value="4587"/>
<parameter name="file" type="file">c:\temp\image.png</parameter>

xps_http:VERB('POST', url, $options, ())

You can also simulate a browser FORM POST, here an example

<request username="..." password="...">
<header name="Environment" value="TEST"/>
<header name="Company" value="PT501234569"/>
<header name="Id" value="4587"/>
<parameter name="first" type="text">Ivan</parameter>
<parameter name="last" type="text">Pedruzzi</parameter>

xps_http:VERB('POST', url, $options, ())

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Bruce CantorSubject: Problems posting multipart form via http-post
Author: Bruce Cantor
Date: 09 Oct 2023 11:00 AM
Originally Posted: 09 Oct 2023 08:36 AM
Hi Ivan,

Thank you for your input.

I looks like as if it needs to be a form, so I tried this approach:

import module namespace Marosa = "Marosa:library" at "Marosa_lib.xqm";
declare namespace xps_http = "ddtekjava:com.ivitechnologies.pipeline.ext.net.HTTP";
declare function xps_http:VERB($verb as xs:string, $url, $options as document-node()?, $payload as document-node()?) external;

declare variable $request := /;
(: Load transactionlogdir from global environment file :)
declare variable $logFileDir := doc(resolve-uri("../../environment/environment.xml", fn:static-base-uri()))/Params/TransactionLogDir;
declare variable $origFileName := string(processing-instruction(Original-FileName));
declare variable $endpoints := doc(resolve-uri("../Config/config.xml", fn:static-base-uri()))/config/Marosa/WS;

declare variable $LogFileFullPath := concat('file:////', $logFileDir, $origFileName, '.log');
declare option ddtek:serialize "indent=yes";

let $options := <request username="***" password="*********">

<parameter name="file" type="text">{Marosa:CreateInvoiceCSV(/)}</parameter>

<!--<header name="Content-Type" value="undefined"/>-->
<!-- additional required header values-->
<header name="Environment" value="TEST"/>
<header name="Company" value="PT50284474"/>
<header name="Id" value="5587"/>

return xps_http:VERB('POST', $endpoints/@URLInvoiceCreditNote, document { $options }, ())

But this result in an error:

[DataDirect][XQuery]Error at line 33, column 87. Static error during resolving of external Java function. No matching Java external function found for 'com.ivitechnologies.pipeline.ext.net.HTTP:VERB(xs:string, attribute(URLInvoiceCreditNote, xs:untypedAtomic)*, document-node()?, document-node()?)'. [Call stack: xps_http:VERB@33.8]

javax.xml.xquery.XQQueryException: [DataDirect][XQuery]Error at line 33, column 87. Static error during resolving of external Java function. No matching Java external function found for 'com.ivitechnologies.pipeline.ext.net.HTTP:VERB(xs:string, attribute(URLInvoiceCreditNote, xs:untypedAtomic)*, document-node()?, document-node()?)'. [Call stack: xps_http:VERB@33.8]

at com.ddtek.xquery.xqj.Util.createXQQueryException(Util.java:341)

at com.ddtek.xquery.xqj.Util.createXQException(Util.java:241)

at com.ddtek.xquery.xqj.DDXQAbstractExpression.createOrGetExecutionContext(DDXQAbstractExpression.java:519)

at com.ddtek.xquery.xqj.DDXQAbstractExpression.createOrGetExecutionContext(DDXQAbstractExpression.java:481)

at com.ddtek.xquery.xqj.DDXQPreparedExpression.<init>(DDXQPreparedExpression.java:37)

at com.ddtek.xquery.xqj.DDXQConnection.prepareExpression(DDXQConnection.java:243)

Caused by: com.ddtek.xquery.typing.TypeVisitor$TypeVisitorException: [EJF0002][DataDirect][XQuery]Static error during resolving of external Java function. No matching Java external function found for 'com.ivitechnologies.pipeline.ext.net.HTTP:VERB(xs:string, attribute(URLInvoiceCreditNote, xs:untypedAtomic)*, document-node()?, document-node()?)'. [Call stack: xps_http:VERB@33.8]

at com.ddtek.xquery.typing.TypeVisitor.createException(TypeVisitor.java:5111)

at com.ddtek.xquery.typing.TypeVisitor.getExternalJavaFunction(TypeVisitor.java:7775)

at com.ddtek.xquery.typing.TypeVisitor.visit(TypeVisitor.java:2980)

at com.ddtek.xquery.expr.FunctionCall.accept(FunctionCall.java:224)

at com.ddtek.xquery.typing.TypeVisitor.visit(TypeVisitor.java:2794)

at com.ddtek.xquery.expr.FLWORExpr.accept(FLWORExpr.java:204)

at com.ddtek.xquery.expr.AllExpressionVisitor.visit(AllExpressionVisitor.java:455)

at com.ddtek.xquery.typing.TypeVisitor.visit(TypeVisitor.java:3450)

at com.ddtek.xquery.expr.MainModule.accept(MainModule.java:57)

at com.ddtek.xquery.typing.TypeVisitor.typeExpression(TypeVisitor.java:740)

at com.ddtek.xquery.mediator.ContextFactory$MediatorTypeVisitor.typeExpression(ContextFactory.java:581)

at com.ddtek.xquery.mediator.ContextFactory.prepareQuery(ContextFactory.java:254)

at com.ddtek.xquery.xqj.DDXQAbstractExpression.createOrGetExecutionContext(DDXQAbstractExpression.java:512)

... 3 more

In the classpath I am refering to the latest xmlpipelineserver.jar that I copied from the pipeline server. (MD-5: 0x99C067E7B4C8DC6264C1B2CC1F62B050).

What am I missing??

Ivan PedruzziSubject: Problems posting multipart form via http-post
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 09 Oct 2023 07:51 PM
Originally Posted: 09 Oct 2023 04:16 PM
Try the following.

You may also need to add additional XPS libraries in your Stylus Studio project's classpath:


import module namespace Marosa = "Marosa:library" at "Marosa_lib.xqm";

declare namespace xps_http = "ddtekjava:com.ivitechnologies.pipeline.ext.net.HTTP";

declare function xps_http:VERB(
$verb as xs:string,
$url as xs:string,
$options as document-node()?,
$payload as document-node()?) external;

declare variable $request := /;
(: Load transactionlogdir from global environment file :)
declare variable $logFileDir := doc(resolve-uri("../../environment/environment.xml", fn:static-base-uri()))/Params/TransactionLogDir;
declare variable $origFileName := string(processing-instruction(Original-FileName));
declare variable $endpoints := doc(resolve-uri("../Config/config.xml", fn:static-base-uri()))/config/Marosa/WS;

declare variable $LogFileFullPath := concat('file:////', $logFileDir, $origFileName, '.log');

declare option ddtek:serialize "indent=yes";

declare variable $VERB_OPTIONS_POST :=
<options username="*****" password="*****">
<header name="Content-Type" value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"/>
<header name="Environment" value="TEST"/>
<header name="Company" value="PT50284474"/>
<header name="Id" value="5587"/>

declare variable $payload :=
<parameter name="file" type="text">{Marosa:CreateInvoiceCSV(/)}</parameter>


Bruce CantorSubject: Problems posting multipart form via http-post
Author: Bruce Cantor
Date: 10 Oct 2023 08:43 AM
Dear Ivan,

Please remind me, where can I find the documentation for the ivitechnologies.pipeline java classes (including com.ivitechnologies.pipeline.ext.net.HTTP)?

Your help is much appreciated, but without the documentation I am coding in the dark and very much depended on your input.

I added some more libraries as suggested and I think I got closer but stuck in something that looks like as if I am not getting the username, password correctly sent.

This solution gives an "Not authorized error":

let $options := document {<request username="****" password="*******">

<parameter name="file" type="text">{Marosa:CreateInvoiceCSV(/)}</parameter>

<!-- additional required header values-->

<header name="Environment" value="TEST"/>
<header name="Company" value="PT50284307474"/>
<header name="Id" value="543581"/>


return xps_http:VERB('POST', $endpoints/@URLInvoiceCreditNote, $options , ())

If I try your latest method where an additional payload parameter is added, I get an error saying: Exception in extension function "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Name is blank"

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