Subject:presale - Can I covers this scenario using Stylus Studio? Author:Sorin Meleancă Date:16 Jun 2021 07:24 AM Originally Posted: 16 Jun 2021 07:23 AM
Sorry for this post but I'm was unable to found a contact form for presale questions.
I need to knew if is possible (using Stylus Studio) to covers this scenario:
1. I want to create a MariaDB database structure related to an XSD file. For example, in MS SQL Server is possible to " ... using an annotated schema (AXSD), the XML is decomposed into columns in one or more tables. This preserves the fidelity of the data at the relational level. As a result, the hierarchical structure is preserved although order among elements is ignored. The schema cannot be recursive ". The Stylus Studio can help me to create such a structure?
2. I want to populate this database with data from a financial database. I think that I can use Stylus Studio like an ETL tool. Is correct?
3. From this database I want to create an XML file based on the XSD file used in step 1. I want to know if the definition of this transformation can be created in step 1 i.e. when I create the database structure that reflects the XML structure I want to create automatically the definition of this transformation, too. Is that possible?
Subject:presale - Can I covers this scenario using Stylus Studio? Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:16 Jun 2021 04:19 PM
Stylus Studio bundles an XQuery implementation capable to query and to update relational databases (SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, DB2, PostgreSQL).
Our product does not support Maria DB out of the box.
Is Maria DB your target database?
What is the source database?
We do not foster rigid schema based binding. Highly hierarchical document transfer poorly if every element in the hierarchy is mapped into separate tables which require many joins to recompose the original document.
Normalizing the document in a more rectangular fashion produces a more efficient result.
We believe relational model should be designed as relation.
Our product is capable to query a relation data source and produce XML and take in input XML and create records in a target relational database. Such mapping does not require a schema in our tools.
If you want to learn more we can setup a conference call, email us at
Subject:presale - Can I covers this scenario using Stylus Studio? Author:Sorin Meleancă Date:17 Jun 2021 06:26 AM
My question was very technical and maybe a birds-eye overview about my task is more useful:
I have an XSD file that describes a complex report that I need to create and send (via a web service) to a head office, monthly.
Based on this XSD I need to create an app that has:
- a set of database tables //a free database MariaDB, PostgreSQL ...
- a procedure (ETL) that populate these tables from a financial database
- a procedure (ETL !?) that create the XML file
- a procedure that sends the XML file via a web service
- a set of graphical reports that reflect the XML file
- a set of reports that help the financial dept to check that the ETL process was correct
- a dashboard and a tool for BI analysis - the tables used to create the XML file will consolidate all the important financial data and can be a source for an OLAP cube or for other reports.
I'm a proficient database/SQL developer.
What steps can be performed using Stylus Studio and/or XML Pipeline server?
Subject:presale - Can I covers this scenario using Stylus Studio? Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:17 Jun 2021 11:37 AM
>>>- a set of database tables //a free database MariaDB, PostgreSQL ...
Stylus Studio cannot help you for this task. You will need to create the relational model.
>>>- a procedure (ETL) that populate these tables from a financial database
Assuming that the "financial database" is one of the database products we supported, Stylus Studio can be use to author an XQuery program that queries the source database and insert records in the target tables, say in MySQL.
>>>- a procedure (ETL !?) that create the XML file
>>>- a procedure that sends the XML file via a web service
You can use Stylus Studio to author an XQuery program to query your local MySQL database and to output an XML document according to a schema. The same program can perform an HTTP POST to an end point.
But if you data source is exclusively relational, there are better products for this tasks.
>>>- a dashboard and a tool for BI analysis - the tables used to create the XML file will consolidate all the important financial data and can be a source for an OLAP cube or for other reports.
Stylus Studio is not a BI tool.
Stylus Studio XML Pipelines are medium to define light data processes that may chain multiple operations (XQuery/XSLT/Conversion To/From XML, etc.)
XML Pipeline Server is an execution platform for Stylus Studio XML Pipelines that allows to bind a variety of protocols to the pipeline input/output, here some examples:
- execute a pipeline when a new file is detected in a folder.
- execute a pipeline on a timer.
- execute a pipeline when a new file is detected on FTP/FTPS/SFTP server.
- execute a pipeline when a new email is detected, the email parts can be used as pipeline input.
- expose a pipeline as web service, execution is triggered by HTTP GET/POST