Subject:Stylus Studio X16 Enterprise - crashing at Help\About Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:27 Feb 2019 05:12 PM Originally Posted: 27 Feb 2019 05:04 PM
Hi Hitesh,
There are few possible reason that prevent the JVM to initialize
1) Something in the system PATH conflicts.
Open a dos prompt in the Stylus Studio BIN folder and adjust the path then start stylus studio invoking struzzo.exe and check.
2) Some other software is conflicting with the JVM debugger listener
TCP-IP port scanners for example send message probes that may crash the JVM.
3) You may have incorrect values in the following registry settings
Stylus Studio\
X16 XML Enterprise Suite 64-bit\
Runtime Settings
You may have altered in past the initial memory heap size and the JVM cannot pre-allocate the memory.
By habit our Users tend to browse to a share where XSL files are stored and double click to open in SS. This is obviously not working.
I tried method 1 from your reply and discovered that if you launch Struzzo.exe via a CMD prompt then SS seems to work fine without any issues.
So for now we have provided our Users with TWO workarounds whilst we investigate further.
1. CMD shortcut which launches SS and they go via File\Open route.
2. CMD shortcut which launches SS but they can use drag and drop of XSL files from their share into the open SS window.
From your reply it now definitely looks like there is some system PATH conflict which is causing the issue with JVM.
Are you able to provide any further tips so that I can try to work out the root cause?
Subject:Stylus Studio X16 Enterprise - crashing at Help\About Author:Ivan Pedruzzi Date:28 Feb 2019 11:16 PM
You will need to remove one folder at time from your PATH environment variable, start Stylus Studio go to help about see if it faults.
You can do that in the context of DOS prompt.
Many Stylus Studio features require the JVM, therefore you may experience the error in several ways.