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Arthur GardnerSubject: How to use Saxon for X16 on WIndows 7
Author: Arthur Gardner
Date: 29 Sep 2017 06:17 PM
Hi! We have Stylus Studio X16 Enterprise Suite, installed on Windows 7. We do heavy xQuery development, and it would be great to have debugging. Unfortunately, if I select Saxon instead of Data Direct, and try to run my xquery, it never stops until I kill SS with Task Manager. What would cause this?


Ivan PedruzziSubject: How to use Saxon for X16 on WIndows 7
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 30 Sep 2017 01:35 AM

DDXQ is not designed to be wired to a debugger.

Regarding Saxon performance perhaps the query can be re-written in a way that performs well on both processors. Having said that each processor produces a different execution plan. DDXQ implements streaming and projection when possible which makes allows it to process very large XML file without loading the entire input in memory. DDXQ also have processor specific extensions to work with relational database like SQL Server and Oracle.

Hopefully you have seen my reply to your post on the XQuery forum.

Hope this helps
Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Arthur GardnerSubject: How to use Saxon for X16 on WIndows 7
Author: Arthur Gardner
Date: 02 Oct 2017 12:55 PM
Thanks, Ivan.

I did indeed read your previous comments, but we are talking about something else here.

I just wrote this trivial code:

declare function local:Add($a as xs:integer, $b as xs:integer) as xs:integer
$a + $b

let $x := xs:integer(1)
let $y := xs:integer(2)
return <result>{local:Add($x,$y)}</result>

It runs with DDXQ.

I set processor to Saxon, placed my cursor at the addition line and pressed F9, resulting in a red circle next to the closing brace, and clicked Preview result.

I got the Processing green bar, and it just kept moving until I killed the process struzzo.exe two minutes later. The buttons (pause, stop) had no effect.

The same thing happens if I set no break point, but just click Preview.


Ivan PedruzziSubject: How to use Saxon for X16 on WIndows 7
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 02 Oct 2017 06:31 PM
Originally Posted: 02 Oct 2017 06:32 PM

I am not seeing happening here. Assuming your are running the lasted 1987n build (Help->About->Framework Version)

If I set a breakpoint on the very last line which is the only instruction that does not get optimized away and I press F5 which starts the debugger (preview does not start the debugger, just execute the query) the execution suspends on the breakpoint and i can see the variables and the stacktrace

If I run preview the query takes 10 ms.

Sounds something odd on your side.

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Arthur GardnerSubject: How to use Saxon for X16 on WIndows 7
Author: Arthur Gardner
Date: 02 Oct 2017 07:45 PM
My screen a bit different. Will send a couple of shots.


Arthur GardnerSubject: How to use Saxon for X16 on WIndows 7
Author: Arthur Gardner
Date: 06 Oct 2017 02:56 PM
I also seem unable to use profiling. I can set options for the scenario, but no time icon appears, nor is anything written to the Save file I specify.

Is this feature, like debugging, unavailable with Data Direct?

Ivan PedruzziSubject: How to use Saxon for X16 on WIndows 7
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 17 Oct 2017 11:17 PM
Correct the profiler cannot be wired to DDXQ.

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

Arthur GardnerSubject: How to use Saxon for X16 on WIndows 7
Author: Arthur Gardner
Date: 21 Nov 2017 08:19 PM
Can I come back to my basic query, how to use Saxon? As noted above, all attempts so far have forced me to cancel struzzo.exe.

Should there be saxon dll's in the Stylus bin folder? I see only jar files. I'll attach a listing of that folder.

bin directory listing

Ivan PedruzziSubject: How to use Saxon for X16 on WIndows 7
Author: Ivan Pedruzzi
Date: 21 Nov 2017 08:52 PM
Stylus Studio bundles Saxon Enterprise Edition for Java.

As discussed before something peculiar in your system seems to freeze Stylus Studio. I can run your query here without problem.

Notice that clicking the preview button does not start a debug session, it simply executes the query, ignoring breakpoints.

The debugger starts either hitting F5 or clicking on menu Debug->Start Debugging.

Ivan Pedruzzi
Stylus Studio Team

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