Subject:Help needed with SLSRPT - EDIFACT or EANCOM Author:Jon Roberts Date:07 Apr 2017 12:23 PM
I have developed an application for a client using SLSRPT messages. He sent the sample EDI file, which I loaded using the EDI Conversion into Stylus Studio and used as my target.
Now it's in the Production environment, my DataDirect coverters are failing as they see it as an EANCOM file, not an EDIFACT file. We either need to buy a license or used EDIFACT (which our license covers).
As we alse exchange DESADV and RECADV messages in EDIFACT format with this client, it would seem sensible to use that format for the SLSRPT too.
As I start the conversion by working backwards, I need an EDIFACT SLSRPT message to start from, or at least I need to know what the differences are. How does the converter know what the format is?
The obvious difference is this:
<UNH0205><!--0057: Association assigned code-->EAN004</UNH0205>
as that is the only difference in the header I can see between the EANCOM XML file and the EDIFACT one but just removing that line doesn't seem to work. My converter still thinks it's EANCOM and the conversion fails with a license error.