Subject:Use of Java methodes Author:Martin Fussen Date:08 Aug 2016 01:02 PM
Hi, is it possible to use a custom-built Java function as part of a mapping step. If yes, can you tell us how?
Some more details what we want to do:
1) Create our own Java Methode (outside of Stylus Studio)
Sample: getCustomerAddressFromLegacySystem(Customer c) which returns an Object of Type CustomerAdsress
2) Import this methode as a library function into Stylus Studio
3) Use this predefined Java methode inside a mapping step of Stylus Studio (part of one pipeline step) The input (Customer) comes from an XML and the Output (CustomerAdsress) is used in subsequent mapping steps.
4) In the Java code Stylus Studio generated the methode getCustomerAddressFromLegacySystem is called an gets the defined Input object
Subject:Use of Java methodes Author:Martin Fussen Date:08 Aug 2016 03:30 PM
Hi Ivan
Thanks for your fast reply and the sample provided.
One more question:
How can we call the Java function with complex input types (Example: type Customer which contains many different attributes like "name", "number", "Age", ...) and get a complex return value (Example: CustomerAddress with attributes "Country", "town", "zip", "phone numer", ...)