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Bruce CantorSubject: Proposal to Add Git Support to Stylus Studio
Author: Bruce Cantor
Date: 11 May 2023 08:12 AM
Dear Stylus Studio Support,

I would like to propose the addition of support for Git as an additional source control system in Stylus Studio. Git is widely utilized around the world, and I strongly believe that integrating Git into Stylus Studio would offer a valuable feature to your users.

Git has become the de facto standard for version control in software development, enabling collaborative workflows and efficient code management. By incorporating Git support into Stylus Studio, users would benefit from seamless integration with their preferred version control system, allowing them to easily manage their projects, track changes, and collaborate with teammates.

Having Git support within Stylus Studio would streamline the development process and enhance productivity for developers who rely on Git for source code management. It would eliminate the need for external Git tools and provide a unified environment where users can perform all their coding and version control tasks within Stylus Studio itself.

I kindly request your consideration of this proposal.


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