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Thomas DorganSubject: EDI 997 creation.
Author: Thomas Dorgan
Date: 18 Dec 2007 10:49 AM
Tony Lavino stated on Dec 13, 2007, that the "ACK 997 is just a small X12 message that means 'okay, we got it.'"

The problem is that it has a much deeper significance. It also has the functionality of notifying the trading partner whether the acknowledged document is valid per ANSI x12 standards and if not, what errors are present. Stylus Studio has the ability to validate the x12 against the schema. Is it possible to use the error messages from a parsing/validation error to build an intelligent 997? Is there any plan to implement this?

Tony LavinioSubject: EDI 997 creation.
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 18 Dec 2007 11:56 AM
We have example code that shows how to use a ConverterListener
to catch the errors and build a 997 accordingly. At some point
we'll post it on our website as a tutorial, but it's free for
those who need it earlier.

The ConverterListener is an interface which acts very much like
the ErrorListener/ErrorHandler interfaces for XSLT, and let you
catch and act on warnings, errors or fatal errors and optionally
disregard the first two and continue processing.

Thomas DorganSubject: EDI 997 creation.
Author: Thomas Dorgan
Date: 18 Dec 2007 12:23 PM
Is it possible to get a copy of the example code that shows how to use a ConverterListener to catch the errors and build a 997 accordingly?

Tony LavinioSubject: EDI 997 creation.
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 18 Dec 2007 07:10 PM
Send the email address to which you want it mailed
to stylus-field-report (at) progress.com and we'll
send along a copy.

Thomas DorganSubject: EDI 997 creation.
Author: Thomas Dorgan
Date: 27 Dec 2007 07:49 AM
I sent an email to the above email address requesting a copy of the sample code on 19-Dec. I have had no response. Is it possible to expedite this request?

Tony LavinioSubject: EDI 997 creation.
Author: Tony Lavinio
Date: 27 Dec 2007 03:59 PM
Sorry for the delay; the sample code has been sent.

john adamsSubject: EDI 997 creation.
Author: john adams
Date: 23 Sep 2008 02:32 PM
I need to build 997 similar to this in the application. Is it possible to get copy of the example to me?

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