Subject:Convert Existing HTML pages to an XML data file and XSLT Stylesheet Author:Anh Nguyen Date:17 Oct 2007 11:06 PM
Hi supporter,
I'm doing with Convert Existing HTML pages to an XML data file and XSLT Stylesheet. So I like this funtion is supported by your company.
I have installed the trial version but it doesn't have this function any more. Can you tell me how I can get this function or which version of your product has this function?
I'm looking forward to your response.
Subject:Convert Existing HTML pages to an XML data file and XSLT Stylesheet Author:(Deleted User) Date:22 Oct 2007 05:47 AM
Hi Ahn,
in Stylus Studio 2007 rel.2 you can convert an existing HTML page into XML by using the File | Document Wizards menu item, then selecting the "HTML to XML" icon. If you need to create a default XSLT stylesheet with the static content, just create a new stylesheet and paste the content of the generated XML inside the main template.